I'm in the middle of job searching. I've finally had enough of my job, so I'm currently looking for a new position.

I haven't had much time to knit. I'm still working on my scarf and I bought more yarn to make a matching hat. It's finally cold enough to wear the things I've knit. I also have two pairs of socks I'm working on. The Baudelaire from and a simple pair called Madder Ribbed sock from Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage socks. I realise I love knitting sock but I don't like magic loop. The stitch between always look bad no matter what I do, so I'm back to DPs. Another thing I've learnt is I have to cast-on with larger needles because I think I knit the top too tight.

I plan on finishing the Viveka sweater I was working on for my daughter. Where the sleeves join the body is too has no give. I going to rip the bind-off out, knit another inch and a half on the sleeves and then bind off using larger needles. I hope this helps. I like working on this sweater, I can see another sweater in my future.

I hope to post pic soon, I hate to read blog post that don't have pics.
Happy New Year!

I'm so glad the holidays are over. I'm broke but happy. I finish knitting the Viveka from for my daughter but the sleeves are too tight at the join, so I took it apart. Hopefully I can find a better bind-off, a lady at the LYS told me to use needle 1 size larger.

I haven't been able to take pictures because it's been cloudy everyday.