I really hate that I have to come up with titles for my post. Why can't I just post?

I'm currently working on the second foot of my Charade socks. I had to rip back the first foot twice because it was too long even though I was following the pattern instructions. It suggest you knit the foot until it measures 2 inches from desire length. Then you start the toe, but the instructions for the toe is almost 3 inches long. So I fixed it by ripping back the toe until it was 3 inches from my desired length, now it fits perfectly.

I'm still struggling with the Lanett Baby sweater.

Look what I got in the mail today!

Blue Moon Fiber Arts
Socks That Rock Lightweight
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Crazy Lace Agate
Nodding Violet

4 Responses
  1. Nik Says:

    I don't even try to come up with titles everytime. Shoot, i'll add one when I think I've come up with something particularly clever, but if the brain's not working, I just leave it blank.

    Found you through the Ethnic knitter's group on ravelry.

  2. Joslyn H. Says:

    Love those colors on the STR. There's nothing better than getting yarn in the mail ! I know the Charades are gonna turn out beautiful. Please post a pick when your done.

  3. Jada Says:

    loving what you got in the mail!

  4. urbanknitrix Says:

    Pretty Yarn, love their colorway. I have yet to knit with socks that rock.